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面试英语-面试经典Lesson 36. About the Job of a Secretary 关于秘书职务(2)

[日期:2006-08-26]   [字体: ]
      Dialogue A

(I=Interviewer 主试人 A=Applicant 申请人)

A: May I come in?

I: Yes,please.

A: How do you do , sir? I''m Shuijing Cai. I''ve come for an inter-view as requested.

I: How do you do, Miss Cai? I''m Hongwei guo, the office administrator, please take a seat.

A: Thank you, Mr. Guo.

I: NOW let''s get down to talk. First of all, would you please say something about yourself and family?

A: It''s my pleasure to do so. I come from Dongguan City. My father is the manager of an import and export company in Dongguan and my mother works as a doctor in a hospital. I have an elder brother. He is in the army. I am twenty-one years old. In 1992,I passed the National College Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Language as an English Major.I specialize in English Secretarial Studies.

I: What courses have you taken in English Secretarial studies?

A: I''ve taken such courses as secretarial principles,office administration, business English, public relations, etiquette study,psychology,computer programming,typing,stenography and file-keeping.

I: How are your typing and shorthand skills?

A: I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.

I: I’d like to try you out.Here''s a pencil and a pad. Please take this letter: Johnson Trading company, Sixteen Regent Street... Now if you don’t mind, would you type up your dictation on that typewriter?

A: Not at all, sir.(preceed to typing) Here you are, Mr. Guo.

I : Thanks.Humm pretty good. No mistakes and very fast,too.But can you operate any other office machines?

A: Yes.I can operate a facsimile machine and a photostat.

I: Where have you learned how to operate these machines?

A: I learned how to operate them at Foreign Trade corporation of Guangdong Province last summer. I worked there for nearly two months.

I: Oh, really?

A: Yes, it was a very helpful experience.

I: What did you work there.office work?

A: Yes,mostly office work and sometimes running errands.

I: Oh, very good, You''ve had some practical experience in office work. By the way,have you had any experience as a guide?

A: Well, not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta as well.

I: Once in a while we''ll organize the members of this club to sightsee around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office.

A: I think I would like that.

I: Fine. You are the very person we want.

A: Thank you, Sir.

I: What salary would you expect to get?

A: As for salary,I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity•

I: Well,I believe we can offer you 2,500 Yuan a month at the start. Would that be satisfactory?

A Yes,I am quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected.

I: What date can you start to work?

A: I won''t be able to leave institute until I get my diploma at the end of this month. How about early next month?

I: That''ll do.Please come in on August 1st. Working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from two to six in the afternoon. We usually work for five days a week,but occasionally we have to work overtime.

A: Yes, sir,

I: I''ll see you on August 1st then. Thank you very much for coming today.It''ll be a pleasure to have you here.

A: Thank you,Mr. Guo. I''m sure I''ll enjoy working here,too.

I: I hope so. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.

Notes 注释

1. Lets get down to talk, first of all…


2. In 1992,I passed the National College Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages as an English major. I specialize in English secretarial Studies.


3. I would like to try you out.


4. Please take this letter: Johnson Trading Company, Sixteen Regent Street…


5. Yes, mostly office work and sometimes running errands。


6. Well,not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pear River Delta as well.


7 Once in a while we''11 organize the members of this club to sightsee around Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office.


Words and Expressions

administrator n.行政官员,管理官员

office administrator 办公室主任

first of all 首先

admit. v. 允许进入,录取

be admitted into 被•••录取

etiquette n.礼仪,格式

stenography n.速记法

pad n.便笺簿

regent n.摄政王

Sixteen Regent Street 摄政街 16号

facsimile machine 传真机

photostat n. v.复印,复印机

errand n.差使,使命

run errands 出差,跑腿

go an errand 出差,跑腿


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