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[日期:2006-06-07]   [字体: ]







I. 教育类

1. 2005年1月15日
Some teachers say students should be organized into group study. Others argue that students should be made to study alone. What’s your opinion?

2. 2005年3月12日
Education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and to the well-being of societies. Please discuss what should education consist of to meet fulfill these functions?

3. 2005年4月9日
In order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom. Discuss and give your opinion.

4. 2005年5月28日
Nowadays, some universities offer graduate students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be the access to knowledge for its sake. What’s your opinion?

5. 2004年1月17日
Some people think the function of university education is to prepare students for their future employment. However, others believe that it must have other important functions. Discuss and indicate what other functions the university education can provide.

6. 2004年1月31日
Some people think that the Internet can bring various kinds of information to school children, so schools and colleges are no longer playing an important role in modern education. To what extent do you aGREe or disagree?

7. 2004年2月21日
Some people think that teaching children of different abilities together benefits everyone. But some people believe that the intelligent students should be taught separately and be given special treatment. Discuss both and give your own opinion.

8. 2004年7月17日
Computers are less helpful to children's studies. Therefore, some people say computers have a negative effect on their physical and mental development. To what extent do you aGREe or disagree?

9. 2004年10月23日
Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you aGREe or disagree with this opinion?

10. 2004年11月13日
Many people use distance-learning programs, such as study material post, TV and the Internet, to study at home. However, some people think that it cannot bring the benefits as much as attending college or university. Do you aGREe or disagree? Give your reasons.

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