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Li Xiang Denies Unhappy Marriage

[日期:2005-06-02]   [字体: ]
一位自称茱茜的网友在内地某著名论坛上报料说,李湘正在家人的支持下准备向法院起诉离婚,而原因竟是遭老公暴打,同时事业也进入低谷,赔了近千万元。 当事人李湘则委屈地说:“这条新闻纯属胡说八道,我婚后的生活特别幸福。”

Li Xiang Denies Unhappy Marriage

Li Xiang Denies Unhappy Marriage

After a netizen recently reported that famous Chinese anchor Li Xiang had been maltreated by her husband Li Houlin following their marriage several months ago, Li Xiang immediately dismissed the rumor, claiming that they were living a very happy and sweet married life.

The rumor came after a TV interview with Li Xiang during which she described her jubilant married life with Li Houlin, a rich diamond tycoon. A netizen called Zhu Qian reported that Li Xiang had already submitted a divorce appeal to the court because Li Houlin beat her, and that her own business had suffered losses of nearly 10 million yuan (US$1.2 million).

The netizen cited a colleague of Li Xiang's father as her source. According to the report, Li Houlin failed to be a loyal husband immediately following the honeymoon, dating other girls. He spent most of his time flying around the world instead of staying at home. The husband beat his wife twice in the 138 days since their marriage. Having abandoned her successful career in Changsha, Hunan Province, Li Xiang brought 8 million yuan with her to start up her own business in Beijing, which had incurred a GREat loss, making her quite dismayed.

Li Xiang appeared quite calm upon hearing the rumor. "I don't know why there are such kinds of rumors spreading online, but it shows that there are lots of people with GREat concern for my life," she said. She asserted that she was leading a stable and happy married life, as many ordinary couples do.

"My husband and I are proceeding smoothly with our careers, in any case. I still want to say thanks to all of my fans," said Li Xiang.

(Shenzhen Daily )

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